How To Choose a Doctor for Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often appear between the ages of 17 and 25. While not everyone experiences issues with wisdom teeth, those who do may require removal.  

Wisdom tooth removal is a standard oral surgery procedure that can alleviate pain and prevent potential dental complications. However, choosing the right oral surgeon for this operation is crucial.   

Let’s explore why people may need to have their wisdom teeth removed, why an oral surgeon is the best choice, and what factors to consider when selecting a professional for your wisdom tooth removal. 

Why Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed 

Ideally, wisdom teeth should fit comfortably in your mouth without causing any issues. However, in many cases, these third molars do not have enough space to grow properly. As a result, they can become impacted or partially erupted, leading to potential complications. 

The American Dental Association lists the following reasons for getting your wisdom teeth removed: 

  • Pain and Discomfort: Impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth can cause significant discomfort. This pain may be due to inflammation, infection, or pressure on surrounding teeth. 
  • Infection: When wisdom teeth do not fully break through the gum line, they can create an opening for bacteria to enter. This gap can lead to infections such as pericoronitis or the inflammation of the gum tissue around a partially erupted wisdom tooth. 
  • Cysts and Tumors: Sacs of fluid can form around impacted wisdom teeth, leading to cysts and tumors. These lumps can damage bone and neighboring teeth. 
  • Damage to Neighboring Teeth: As wisdom teeth push against surrounding teeth, they can cause shifting and misalignment. This change in position can lead to crowding, bite problems, and damage to other teeth. 
  • Gum Disease: Because of partially erupted wisdom teeth, pockets between teeth and gums can appear, making it difficult to clean the area properly. This space can trap food debris, leading to inflammation and gum disease. 
  • Tooth Decay: Wisdom teeth are prone to tooth decay, especially if they are partially erupted. The location and angle of these molars make them challenging to clean, increasing the risk of cavities. 

Whether you are experiencing pain or not, you must monitor your wisdom teeth and seek professional advice. Early detection of potential issues can prevent more significant problems down the road.  

Why Choose an Oral Surgeon for Wisdom Tooth Removal 

While some general dentists may offer wisdom tooth removal, choosing an oral surgeon for this procedure is the best choice. Oral surgeons have extensive training and experience performing complex dental surgeries, including wisdom teeth extractions. 

Some reasons to choose an oral surgeon include: 

  • Specialized Training: Oral surgeons are specialists who undergo extensive training beyond dental school. They typically complete a surgical residency program to gain comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery. 
  • Extensive Experience: Oral surgeons focus on surgical procedures related to the mouth, face, and jaw. They perform a high volume of wisdom tooth extractions, which results in refined skills and expertise. This experience ensures a smooth and efficient procedure with minimal complications. 
  • Anesthesia Options: Wisdom tooth extraction can be an uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing process. Oral surgeons have the expertise to administer various forms of anesthesia, including local, sedation, or general anesthesia. They can tailor the type of anesthesia they use based on individual needs and comfort levels. 
  • Advanced Technology: Oral surgeons use the latest technology and equipment to perform wisdom tooth extractions. They use digital X-rays, 3D imaging, and other diagnostic tools that provide a more accurate view of the teeth and surrounding areas. Advanced instruments and techniques can result in less invasive procedures and faster recovery times. 

How To Choose an Oral Surgeon for Wisdom Tooth Removal 

Choosing the right oral surgeon for your wisdom tooth extraction is essential to ensure a successful and comfortable procedure. Consider these factors when selecting a professional for this surgery: 

  • Education: Check the doctor’s qualifications and ensure they have completed an accredited oral and maxillofacial surgery program. Also, research their ongoing education and certifications to ensure they are up-to-date on the latest surgical techniques. 
  • Experience: Inquire about the surgeon’s track record and success rate with wisdom teeth extractions. Consider asking for patient testimonials or before-and-after photos. 
  • Referrals: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or your regular dentist. Positive referrals are a strong indicator of a surgeon’s competence and trustworthiness. 
  • Comfort Level: Schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns with the oral surgeon. A trustworthy and compassionate oral surgeon can help alleviate your fears or anxieties about the procedure, so pay attention to whether or not you feel at ease with them. 
  • Anesthesia or Sedation Options: Discuss the anesthesia or sedation options available for the surgery to ensure that you feel relaxed and pain-free throughout the surgery. Ensure that the oral surgeon is qualified and experienced in administering these types of medication. 


Choosing the right doctor for wisdom tooth removal is a decision that can impact your oral health and overall well-being. At Green Valley Oral Surgery, we strive to provide the best care possible and ensure a safe and comfortable experience. Whether you need your wisdom teeth extracted or any other oral surgery procedure, trust us to help you achieve optimal oral health.  

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.